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WKF/WTF/IJF/IBJJF Approved Products 

  • WKF Approved
    WKF Approved

    Equipment approved by World Karate Federation

    Every four years the WKF carries out the homologation process for both the compulsory and recommended protections for the practice of karate. Throughout the homologation periods since the year 2000, the evolution of these protections has been constant due to the strict criteria and specifications applied. These have been directed towards providing karate practitioners with maximum security. The final result of that process are the WKF APRROVED protections, which are a reference of guarantee and quality when compared to the other protections.

  • WTF Approved
    WTF Approved

    Product Approved by World Taekwondo Federation

  • IJF Approved
    IJF Approved

    Equipment Approved by International Judo Federation for International Competition

  • IBJJF Approved
    IBJJF Approved

    Product approved by International Brazillian Jiu Jitsu Federation